
The following steps will guide you through how to generate ongoing fee & fixed term agreements in Compass. This can be done via the following methods:

  • Using the Service Agreement wizard
  • With the Full Advice Builder wizard
  • With the Review Builder wizard


Service Agreement Wizard

1. The Service Agreement wizard can be found in Client > Wizards > 3. Implement the Client > Service Agreement.

2. Type in a scenario name and click Create Scenario



3. Select who the document is for and whether you need to include any related entities in the agreement.

4. Choose the agreement that you are recommending – Ongoing Fee or Fixed Term Agreement

If you select Ongoing Fee Agreement, you will not need to complete any other fields in this section until after the client has signed the agreement. You can refer to the “Setting FDS & Opt-In Details Against Clients” guide on the Tech Solutions Hub for instructions on how to do this.

If you select Fixed Term Agreement, you will need to select whether you want the agreement to run for a specific start date/end date, or whether you want it to commence from the date the agreement is signed.

5. Record the services the client is entitled to receive by selecting one of the four options available.

Custom Service Text

This option creates a free text box that allows you to add the services entitled directly into the wizard.

You can also utilise the template option if you have set up Managed Field Content. The “Creating Your Own Managed Field Content Templates” guide on the Tech Solutions Hub for instructions on how to do this.

Service Benchmarks

If you are using Service benchmarks to record services, select this option. The details will show in the wizard to allow you to check these:

Case Benchmarks

If you are using Case benchmarks to record services, select this option. The details will show in the wizard to allow you to check these:

For more details on Case Benchmarks refer to:

Ongoing Services (from the Advice Builder)

This option will allow you to use the Ongoing Service details you have already added while producing advice details in the Advice Builder wizard:

6. On the Remuneration page, click on the Add button to enter the relevant fees being charged.

You will notice that there are options for both Ongoing Service Fees and Fixed Term Fees.


 7. Clicking Next will take you to the final page of the wizard, where you can select “Merge Service Agreement” to generate your document.



Within Full Advice Builder

1. On the Disclosures page of the Full Advice Builder wizard, ticking the ‘Merge Separate Fee Agreement’ check box will create an additional page in the wizard to allow you to configure your service agreement.

Note: Ensure you complete the Further Advice and Service section on this page to ensure the correct information generates into your advice document.


2. On this additional page of the wizard, select the appropriate agreement type and service entitled, as per the instructions previously provided.

3. On the Remuneration page, you can either choose to bring through the fee details you have added in WealthSolver and/or click on the Add button to enter the relevant fees being charged.

4. When generating your advice documents, you will notice a “Merge Service Agreement” button, which if selected will generate your agreement.



Within Review Builder

1. On the Report Details page of the Review Builder wizard, ticking the ‘Merge Separate Fee Agreement’ check box will create two additional pages in the wizard to allow you to configure your service agreement.

2. On this Service Agreement Details page of the wizard, select the appropriate agreement type and service entitled, as per the instructions previously provided.

3. On the Remuneration page, click on the Add button to enter the relevant fees being charged. You will notice that there are options for both Ongoing Service Fees and Fixed Term Fees.


4. Clicking Next will take you to the final page of the wizard, where you can select “Merge Service Agreement” to generate your document.