Video Published January 2020



This guide will demonstrate how to use the letter and email templates to generate letters and send emails from Xplan to your clients.

How to generate and send a printed letter from Xplan


Generating and sending a printed letter to ONE client

Search for the client record in Xplan you will be sending your letter to:

  • Navigate to the client’s Merge Report screen in Xplan
  • Select the Report Category (*CWT/Compass - Letters, *CWT/Compass - Reports or your office folder, depending on the template you wish to use)
  • Select the template folder containing the report you require by clicking on


Select the template letter you wish to generate, if there are multiple templates ensure all other templates are de-selected.

Optional - Click Add merge result as a document note and enter in a suitable Subject if you would like to add the letter to the client’s filing area

Click on Execute to generate the letter.

You will receive notification via the envelope when the letter is ready to view then print or save to your computer where required.

If you selected Add merge result as a document note, the letter will now appear in the client’s filing area.


Generating and sending a printed letter to MULTIPLE clients

Please see User Guide Criteria (Advanced) Search on how to generate a specific list of clients


Generate a list of clients you wish to send your letter to and tick the box next to Name if you wish to select all the generated clients or you can individually tick the box beside each client’s name.


Click on Reports, then Merge Report

  • Select the Report Category (*CWT/Compass - Letters, *CWT/Compass - Reports or your office folder, depending on the template you wish to use)
  • Select the template folder containing the report you require by clicking on
  • Select the template letter you wish to generate, if there are multiple templates ensure all other templates are de-selected.


When sending out letters in bulk, there are additional Options that you may find useful

Output Format: Can merge the output format as a Microsoft Office Format (MS Word), OpenDocument Format, OpenXML Format or Portable Document Format )PDF)

Output Zippped: By ticking Place merged file into a compressed zip this will merge all the single documents into a zip file

Merge Into One Document: Instead of merging out multiple single documents, this allows the output to generate with the options of All in one document, Every 100/200/300 entities in one document.


Entity List Options

All matched clients and partners: Addresses the client and the partner separately with a letter each

Matched clients, substitute partners with corresponding clients: Swaps the client and partner so the partner is addressed

Only matched clients: Generates as a joint letter

You can only Add merge result as document note if you are merging multiple single letters – this function will not work when generating All in one document.

Once you have finalized your output setting, Click Execute


How to send an email template from Xplan


Sending an email template to ONE client

Search for the client record in Cplan you will be sending your email to. Navigate to the client’s Contact Details screen in Xplan

Click on the clients email and you will now be taken to the Email editor screen.

Or from a client list (both will take you to the Email editor screen)

Click on the Template dropdown box to select the template you wish to use and the editor will load the email template as seen below, you can personalise the Contents of the email prior to sending:



If you would like to attach a document you can do so by one of the following:


Attach Document File: This will take you to the Document Library for any files you wish to attach

Upload File: Attach any file from your own computer


Ensure the recipient details are correct or you can do some additional editing:


Add: You can manually add additional clients if you think of any last minute.

Restore: Restores all the original recipients selected if you have added any extras

Change: You can select how the email gets sent and seen by clients


Override From Address

If you select this option, the email will appear to have been sent from the Adviser, regardless of the User sending the email



This section allows you to edit if the email is added to filing whilst choosing the Note type/subtype.


You can Preview the email prior to sending

When you are happy with the content of the email, click on Send to email straight away or you can choose the Time to Send the email by selecting the circle tick box next to Now and changing the date and time accordingly.

If you wish to cancel an email that has been future dated, please contact Xplan Support with at least the date it was supposed to be sent and time if possible.

Sending an email template to MULTIPLE clients

Generate a list of clients you wish to send your letter to and tick the box next to Name if you wish to select all the generated clients or you can individually tick the box beside each client’s name, Click on Email > Email All Excluding SMS Address

Please repeat the steps above in Sending an email template to ONE client