Tasks are used to assign responsibilities to users and track the progress of work. This prevents items from being missed or neglected. The status of Tasks can be queried to establish a user’s current and completed workload. Tasks are there to assist in making work flow processes run more smoothly.

Accessing the Add Task Function

You can add a task by doing one of the following:

  • On the application menu, click My Links > Task (You will need to favourite Task to access it in My Links)

  • On the application menu, click Admin > Site > Task

  • While accessing a client's file, select Tasks on the navigation menu, then Add.

Fields and Options Available when Adding Tasks


Details Tab



Type in the title of the task



Type in a description of the task


Optionally choose a group that the assignee belongs to, however you would generally leave this field blank.


NOTE: If you select a Group this means that ALL members of the Group are sent the Task.

Assigned To

We would generally recommend that you leave the Dynamic Assignee field as “No Dynamic assignee”. Choosing No Dynamic Assignee then allows you to search for the correct User. If you did enter a group in the Group field, then this Assigned to field will display a list of members in the Group chosen only.




The checkbox controls whether the assignee can change the date of the task



Who the task refers to. This can be left unassigned for tasks that users wish to remind themselves which are not related to any clients, other users, or groups. If the Task is regarding a specific client, then search for the client’s name in the correct field.

If an entity is selected, a new option Entity Responsibility displays under Assigned To. When ticked, the task is assigned to the entity. This can be used, for example, for when you are waiting on a client to provide a document.

Type and Subtype

Used to categorise tasks



Set the task as either high, normal or low priority



The current status of the task. Please leave this as Unactioned when first setting up the task. A definition of each Status is provided at the end of this document.

Due Date


When the task is to be completed by.

Has Due Time


If you amend to Yes, a new field will appear allowing you to enter an exact time that your Task is due on. 

Reminder Days


Enter a number being the number of days prior to the Due date that you would like to be reminded of this task. If you leave this as “0” you will not receive a reminder email until this Task is overdue.


Secondary Tab

Force Comment when complete: Forces the assignee to enter a comment when they set the status to complete

Force Forecast when complete: Force the assignee to fill out the Forecast values when they set the status to complete

Forecast: Estimates of Financial results. This is generally not used.

Force Time-Taken: Forces the assignee to enter a value for the time taken to complete the task when they set the status to complete

Benchmark Days and Benchmark Minutes: Used to set the benchmark time required for the Task

Activated Time: Date of when the Task was first worked on

Created Time: Date of when the Task was first created

Last Modified Time: Date of when the Task was last active

Last Modified by: Last User to make modifications on the Task


Comments Tab

Comments can be added to the task. Simply type your text in the “Comment” field then click the Save

Attachments Tab

Files related to the task can be attached and saved within the system. Select ‘Choose File’ to find the file saved on your PC, then click Attach File and then the Save button. The Attach Document File allows you to attach a file that is currently saved in the Document Library that you may have saved under your folder. Click the Save button after finding the document files.

Outcomes Tab

Outcomes can be added to the task so that depending on what the final result of the task is, the system can take different actions. In most cases no outcome is required to be added here as you will simply complete the task by changing its status to Complete. To add an outcome, you need to decide if there will be just one outcome or multiple. To edit the current outcome, click the Edit button. You will then have options such creating a name for the Outcome option, what action should be taken (such as re-direct the user to a specific page) and if any fields or values should be updated with specific details (such as change the client’s category to “Active”).


Email Tab

Emails can be sent from tasks either as the result of an Outcome, or by using the Email tab. To use the Email tab:

  1. Select the email template to use from the Templates
  2. Choose when in the task the email should be sent in the When Each entry on the list is a possible status of a task.
  3. Select the Recipients for the email.
  4. When the status of the task is set to the item chosen in the When list, an email using the template will be created and displayed. The user can then make any changes necessary and send the email.
  5. Click Save.


Xmerge and IPS Tabs

Xmerge templates and IPS reports can be attached to tasks, task threads and task templates. These can then be activated when the due date arrives or when the task is completed, and the output files are generated and saved within the task.

If a document is generated by a task that is part of a thread, it can be viewed in the Attachment tab of all of the thread's tasks.

An example how a User could use the Xmerge area is to set it to generate automatically a “First Appointment Letter” if the Task Outcome was “Appointment booked”.




Notification - Select who to notify via email when the task is Created, Changed or Due Not Complete (passes the due date without being completed). This means an email is sent from CWT to these people notifying them regarding the Task.

  • Assigner – the person creating the Task
  • Assignee – the person who is to perform the Task
  • Group – all members (users) in the group. May include multiple Planners, Associate Planners, Support Staff, etc.
  • Client Adviser – the person listed in CWT as the client’s (entity) servicing Planner
  • Entity – the client. We strongly recommend you do NOT include the client to be notified of your personal tasks.
  • Client Services Manager – the person listed in CWT as the client’s Client Services Manager. This could be a support staff member.
  • Referrer – the referral partner who provided the lead for this client. In most cases you would NOT include the Referrer for your Task.
  • Accountant – the person listed in CWT (Key Details -> Fees and Services page) as the client’s Accountant. Generally we do not use this field, so please do not include the Accountant for your Task.



 Once all fields have been completed for setting up a Task, then click the Save button in the top right corner of the screen. The Task will then be saved, and the appropriate users will be notified of the Task via email if selected in the Notifications tab.

Definition of Task Statuses

 Unactioned This status appears when the task is first assigned to you.



If the task has been worked on but not yet complete, use this status.



If you are waiting on further information or actions from others.



This appears when a task further along the process has been aborted and this previously completed task has been reopened for review.



Identifies that all duties involved with this task has been finished. It is important to use this status when you have completed the task as it may trigger other tasks.


Use this status if the thread is to be cancelled.