Xtools+ Visualise Guide


Xtools+ Visualise is a powerful tool that overlays on top of the existing Xtools+ calculators. It simplifies complex financial projections into dynamic, easy-to-understand charts, tables, and infographics.


  • Seamless integration with Xtools+ calculators
  • Client-friendly presentations
  • Interactive adjustments for various scenarios


To use Xtools+ Visualise, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare your Xtools+ scenarios.
  2. Launch Visualise to overlay on your scenarios.
  3. Use the interactive features to adjust and present different financial scenarios.

Note: Any adjustments made in Xtools+ Visualise also adjust the main scenario. To avoid unwanted changes, it is best to use the "Save As" feature.

For optimal viewing, we recommend using landscape mode.

Switch to landscape mode for the best experience.

Video Guide