Please Note: The Portfolios module is required in order to link an SMSF or any related entity through to WealthSolver. The WelathSolver scenario must also be completed through the Clients profile and not the SMSF entity.

Current SMSF

To bring through the client's current SMSF Investments into your WealthSolver Scenario,

1. Click on the Actions button on the top right of the WealthSolver page > Add Related Entity

2. Then select the appropriate SMSF/Related entity.


The SMSF will then appear in the Related Entities section as well as the Current Situation

You will notice the Mceclip1 symbol next to the account balance. If you hover your mouse over the symbol, its advising to define the ownership as seen below. This will only be required for SMSF plans


3. Click on the dropdown Mceclip14 next to the SMSF Investment

4. Select Membership

5. You will then need to Add Client or Add Partner however in most cases it will be both.


6. Enter in the Account Balance proportionate to the ownership percentage. Eg 50/50 Ownership below

7. Save


The Client and Partner are now added as members of the Super Fund. Repeat above steps for multiple SMSF or Related entities. Please Note, only the SMSF entity requires ownership allocation

8. Once the Membership has been finalised, click on Add Proposal > Joint Proposal to bring the SMSF through into the proposal



9. Now that the Proposal has been created with the Client and Partner plans, the SMSF funds need to be transferred to either the Client or Partner, in this example it will be 50/50.

Click on Plan Review next to the SMSF entity name.


10. This Recommendation will be to Roll portion out and leave $10,000 in the current SMSF. This will take you to a new page.


11. Change the Proposed $ amount as needed, in this case $10,000. If you click on a blank part of the page, the remaining Unallocated amount will be calculated.

12. Click Save


13. Click Save

14. The modelling of the Unallocated funds will need to be done on Client and Partner individually by click on Plan Review.


15. Change the Recommendation to Roll portion out, and wait for the new page to load

If you are recommending a Close / Roll balance out Recommendation, go to Step 18

16. Amend the Proposed $ figure in line with the Ownership % in Step 6. Since $10,000 is being left in the SMSF overall, the Proposed $ figure for the clients share is $5,000

17. Click Save

18. Now that the Clients Unallocated amount has been set, click on Add Proposed Plan --> Super Plan

19. Use the Keyword Search to find the appropriate plan

20. Click on Select Super Plan to add the plan

21. Click on Add Investment

Please Note: Most Plans come with a default Cash holding. This can be removed by clicking on the Mceclip4 (2), however some plans require a minimum cash holding.

22. Tick the Proposed Investments to be added. The names and codes of the investments can also be searched.

23. Click Add Investments

24. By clicking on Add to Plan, this will evenly distribute to Unallocated amount across the number of Investments. There is also the Allocate Balance: By Percentage option if the Investment allocation is more % based, or the Proposed $ can still be input manually.

25. Once the page loads, check the figures are all correctly distributed, click Save 

26. Click Save

27. We can now see the movement of the funds in the main Proposals area, and the Transfer to Client from the SMSF

Repeat steps 14-26 for the Partner

28. The Replacement Advice will also need to be completed for both Client and Partner.

Click on Mceclip16 --> Replacement Advice

29. Tick the Plan that will Replace: Test Super Fund for the Client

30. Tick Select All for any features being Gained or Lost

31. Click Save

Repeat for Partner



The Steps to model a Proposed SMSF Plan are similar to that of a current SMSF plan:

1. Click on the Actions dropdown --> Add related entity --> Add new SMSF entity

2. A pop up box will appear to enter the SMSF name, Click OK one renamed


3. Now that the Proposed SMSF Entity has been created, click on Add Proposal --> Joint Proposal


4. Click on Plan Review 


5. Change the Recommendation as needed, in this example it will be Close / Roll balance out.

6. Wait for the page to load, click Save


7. Now the Unallocated funds can be moved to the SMSF. Repeat for Partner if needed.

Make note of the amount before proceeding.


8. Click Add Proposed Plan --> Investment Platform


9. Use the Keyword Search then Select Investment Platform


10. Click Add Investment

Please Note: Most Plans come with a default Cash holding. This can be removed by clicking on the mceclip4.png, however some plans require a minimum cash holding.


11. Tick the Proposed Investment Options. The names and codes of the investments can also be searched.

12. Click Add Investments


13. The Proposed $ amounts will need to be entered manually.

If you want to allocate By Percentage via the Allocate Balance function, entering the total amount as a Proposed $ in one of the investments first, then changing to By Percentage, will allow you to allocate the funds By Percentage more efficiently.

Do not click the Remove form plan button, this will balance out on the main Proposals page.

14. Click Save


15. Click Save


16. All the funds have been allocated, and now the Membership needs to be defined. Click on mceclip16.png next to the Proposed SMSF Entity --> Membership --> Proposed Investment 


17. The Membership is defined by balance, if it was partner 50/50 split, the Account Balance would be $125,000 each, however this is is just Client owned and will be the total amount.

Click Save once amended


18. The Replacement Advice will need to be completed for the Client. Click on Mceclip16 next to the Client Plan Review --> Replacement Advice


19. Tick the Plan that will Replace: Access eWrap Super

20. Tick Select All for any features being Gained or Lost

21. Click Save



Repeat Steps 18-21 for Partner if needed