XPLAN has the ability to send SMS emails, in conjunction with third party SMS gateways, to one or more clients simultaneously via their mobile phones.

It is recommended to contact various providers to compare packages and pricing. Often the Tele-Communications company your practice has the phone and internet through, can offer SMS packages.

Please ensure the SMS provider has the "Email to SMS/MSM" function available and selected when the account is created.

A few SMS Providers that are commonly used are listed below:

SMS Broadcast



SMS Global

It is important to ensure that all user’s email addresses are registered with the provider otherwise they will not be able to send SMS's through Xplan. You can also have this set as a group admin email address so its not linked to any one specific person.

SMS Gateway Set Up in Xplan

Once the set up with the SMS provider is complete, the below setting will need to be changed against each user who wishes to use the SMS functionality.

Please note you can not change this setting on your own profile if logged in as yourself.

1. In the top right corner search box, type in the Advisers Name

2. Ensure Users is selected

3. Click on the adviser name in the results


4. On the Main page of the Advisers profile, click Edit

5. Change the SMS Gateway to the provider you have registered with.

Then click Save

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If you're SMS provider does not appear in the SMS Gateway dropdown list, please contact your Xplan Administrator.