1.  Click on the Search clients (/) box 

2.  Ensure you have Clients selected in the search box.

3.  Then select Full List



The Search Filter and Search Result panels will appear on the screen with a list of clients.

4.  You can filter your client list  using the search filters available in the Search Filter panel or you can use the Criteria screen to complete more complex search filters.

Search Filter options:

  • Entity Status - by clicking on the drop down arrow, you can filter the client search to Clients, Archived, Group Plan Members or Prospects. If you do not select an Entity Status option, the client search results will display clients for all status'.

  • Adviser - you can search for clients by all advisers or filter to specific clients. If you click on the drop down arrow a pop up screen Lookup User will appear allowing you to search for an adviser. Enter the name of the Adviser in the search box of the pop up screen and once selected click Ok.

  • User Group - you can search for clients by all groups or filter to specific use groups. If you click on the drop down arrow a pop up screen Lookup Group will appear allowing you to search for a Group. Enter the name of the Group in the search box of the pop up screen and once selected click Ok.

  • Category - allows you to filter your client search via category such as RO1 - A client - Platinum.

  • Type - you have the ability to search via the client type, i.e. Individual, Partnership and Super Fund.

  • View - you have the ability to view Individual Entities or Related Entities

  • Paraplanner, Administrator and Client Services Manager - you have the ability to filter the list via the particular roles> Please note these options may vary on your Xplan Site.

5.  Click on Reports in the left side menu and a reports menu will appear.

6.  Then select Management Report



7.   Choose the Client Review List from the Select Report drop down list.

8.   Select the Target Clients - either All Listed Clients or Only Selected Clients to determine which clients are included in the report. If you selected specific clients in the client list screen you should select Only Selected Clients in this field.

9.   You have the option to select When to generate the report. Select Now to generate report or enter the date and time you would like the report to generate.

10.  Select if you would like an email on Completion or on Failure. You can tick both boxes if required.

11.  Select the date parameters for the review list in the From and To date fields. This will only generate a review list for clients that are due for a review between these dates. Clicking on the calender icon will populate a calender in which you can select a date from or you also have the option of clicking on the Today button which will populate today's date into the fields.

12.  Select the Review Type. You have the option to select the review list to only generate clients due for specific types of reviews or all types. E.g. Face to face reviews.

13.  You have the option to choose particular reviews By Status.  E.g. Incomplete Reviews

14.  You can choose to Exclude Projected Reviews.

15.  Click Run to generate the report.



16.  An Information pop up screen will appear notifying you that the report is being generated and a message will appear in the envelope at the top of the screen notifying you that the report is ready to download. Click OK.

When your report is ready you will be notified by the envelope icon at the top of the screen. The number beside the envelope at the top of the screen will update. (The value indicates how many notifications you have.)



17.  Click on the Bell icon and a pop up screen will appear to download the file.

18.  Click on Download File to merge the report.

