Yes. The ability to create your own merge templates is dependent on having the required capabilities but most people using XPLAN will be able to do this.

It is important that you create your own template category for your practice and only upload your merge templates to that folder to ensure they are not visible to everyone on the site.

1. Creating your own template category

  • Select Admin > Site > Templates (or search 'Templates' in the Quick Nav bar)


  • A list of all template category folders that you have access to will be visible
  • Select Add Category to add a new folder and enter a Category Name and Description. Click Create


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  • Select Edit to change the Owner Only Editable and Visibility settings

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To ensure your template folder is only visible to your practice, set the Visible to All setting above to No then update the Groups that can view the folder as per below

  • Select the Groups option form the left hand menu
  • Click on the 'Select Groups' search bar and search for your group/practice name
  • Click on the group/practice name to select it - it will show in  the bottom section
  • Click OK


  • Select List to return to the list of template folders


2. Create the template upload folder

  • Click the 'expand' icon to expand the folder
  • Select Add Template


  • Enter a template name and description and select the Report Type
    • Entity - merge from a client record 
    • Entity List - merge from the client list against multiple clients
    • Diary Event - merge from the XPLAN diary and incorporate details about the diary event
    • Invoice - merge as an invoice template from the invoicing section
    • Invoice Payment - merge as a payment receipt from the payments section
    • Alerts - merge as part of an automated Alert against one client
    • Entity Alerts- merge as part of an automated Alert against multiple client
    • Service Package - merge as part of a service packages
    • Group Plan - merge against a group plan
    • Portfolio Group - merge against a portfolio group


  • Click Create
  • On the Report Template Details page you can then set the visibility permissions as well as whether the template should be automatically added as a file note, used with Digital Signatures, is a part of case etc


3. Upload your document

  • Select Files from the left hand menu then browse and upload your document


You will now be able to merge your document from XPLAN


A great place to source the coding required to merge out information from your client record can be found in the IRESS Community here: or you can install the Xword Toolbar.