Date lock is a way Xplan users can put a 'lock' in place to protect previously imported or manually entered data from being overridden by the datafeed.


What Date Should Be the Lock Date? The lock date needs to be after the transaction date of your recently adjusted, added, or deleted transaction. For example, if you add a manual transaction with a transaction date of 31/07/2024, you should set the lock date to 01/08/2024. This informs the datafeed that it can only import transaction-based data into Xplan that has a trade or accrual date greater than or equal to 01/08/2024.


How to Add a Date Lock

Client Account Level - To add a date lock at the client account level, navigate to your client's record. Go to Portfolios > Position > select the correct account > click the pencil icon > update the Account Lock Date field>Click OK once completed.



Published by Davina Zeng