1. From the Client Menu, Portfolios --> Reports --> Reports 


2. The Category options include the types of report you wish to generate. The Format of your report can also be chosen - PDF, HTML or CSV file.

3. Select the Accounts for each Entity to be included in the report by clicking on the +

4. Tick the Report to be generated. The reporting options can also be set by clicking on the dropdown Mceclip2

  •  Select the Report Timeframe from the options available.
  •  Select how you would like the securities sorted in the Report Sorting field.
  •  Choose how you like the securities grouped. For example, you can group them by the portfolio account they are held within. If you're report includes multiple entities your can choose to group by portfolio then account.
  • Enter a name for your report in the Report Title field.
  • Click Save.



5. Click Generate once ready.