When investments are entered into XPLAN manually (when not supported by a datafeed), you may be required to update the transactions for the client's holdings when:

  • The client purchases additional units
  • The client sells units/holding
  • The investment details were entered into XPLAN incorrectly and need to be updated
  • You need to update the status of a transaction
  • You need to add income distributions for a holding.


Click on the links below to learn more: 

How do I add an additional purchase to an existing investment holding in IPS?

How to add a sale to an existing investment holding in IPS

How to edit the investment holding details in IPS?

How to delete a transaction?

How to remove an investment holding in IPS

How to edit a transaction for an investment holding in IPS

How to change the Status of a Transaction?


IMPORTANT: You should never edit transactions manually where the investment has come through as a datafeed.