Before setting up the Datafeed

  • Adviser is required to register datafeeds with a product provider, ensure you have confirmation that this has been registered at the provider end. You will receive registration information such as an adviser code from your provider which you will use for setting up adviser mapping on Xplan. 
  • The Iress Community Article System Datafeed Setup Addendum (AU, NZ) will have the contact and registration details/ for each product provider.
  • Ensure the adviser code is in the correct format as specified from the product providers.


Step 1: Add the Adviser Mapping

From the left menu go to Mceclip0 > Integration > System Datafeeds > Mappings > Advisers).

Change the User to be the adviser, click Add Mapping


Enter the following details:

Provider: Change to relevant provider

Adviser Name: Only add the adviser's name if it's different to what the provider has e.g. If the provider has Steve Surname but in Xplan is Stephen Surname, then the Adviser Name should read Steve Surname.

Adviser ID: Ensure you enter the correct ID, otherwise the datafeeds will not flow through to Xplan.

Comments: Add date and time in the comment section if you like.


Note: Some providers, such as Macquarie and HUB24 will require additional details such as Dealer Group Codes or Usernames and Passwords. This will be sent to you at the time of registration with the providers, or you may be required to register the datafeed online as per the System Datafeed Setup Addendum (AU, NZ)

• Once adviser mapping has been set up, data can take up to 48 hours to come into the site.



Step 2: Check if datafeeds are arrived after 24 to 48 hours.


1.Admin=>Integration => system datafeeds => Mappings => IPS external accounts (for investment datafeeds)

                                                                                        => Client focus accounts (for insurance datafeeds)

2. Select the correct adviser, provider, and listing options.  Click search.

This will show you all the datafeeds accounts for all clients that linked to the adviser mapping. 

If you wish to view the datafeeds account on the client level, please navigate to client profile => Portfolio IPS => Position page 

If you cannot see the account appearing in any of the above, this means the datafeeds are missing (mainly due to the adviser mapping details have been entered incorrectly), please double check your adviser mapping details or contact Compass/CWT support for help.


Published by Davina Zeng