To map from the Commpay Screen

1. Select Commpay

2. Select Mapping > Client Map

You can use the Client Filters and Policy filters to display your unmapped clients. If you have access to more than one adviser clients, you can also filter by Adviser

3. Click Search

4. Click on the arrow next to the client’s name

You have the following options, Seek Match, Search, Create and Match and No Mapping required.

Seek Match: XPLAN will try to match the Commpay client to the XPLAN client.

Search: you can search for your client (This is the recommended option to ensure the commpay data is linked to the correct client.)

Create and Match: this will create an XPLAN client and match it to the Commpay Client.

No Mapping Required: You may use this if you do not want to map the client, this will hide it from this list.

5. A list of possible clients will show at the bottom of the screen. If you click on the down arrow next to the client’s name you can see what information is coming through Commpay. You do not need to tick the boxes next to the products.

6. Select the Commpay client and the XPLAN client and click Match


To map from the Client Record

1. In your Client record, go to COMMPAY 

2. Select Client Map> Search by Surname 

3. A new window will open showing all the unmapped policies to match to the client.

4. Tick next to the clients name and click Merge. You will now see the policies in the Commpay Policies screen